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  • Writer's pictureVinny The Guy

What's the point?!

A question that I often ask myself, especially when it comes to writing. Am I a writer? No. Do I get paid to write these blogs? Absolutely not. So, what's the point?!

I think what keeps pulling me back to writing is the fact that I can fairly easily express my feelings and emotions through the written word. I try my best to write a few sentences here and there in my personal journal, but that's pretty much where it ends. There's usually no particular aim with my writing. Most often it's just my thoughts, things I've noticed, different ideas, quotes or simply my observations of what's around me.

For the longest time, I've been thinking - what the hell should I be writing about?! My personal life? Well, that's only relevant to the people who personally know me (mostly family and friends). My job? Well, thank you, but no. It's really not that exciting. Music? Basketball? Those would seem like the obvious choices, but if someone wants to read about basketball or music they'll just go to the websites that specialize in those topics, where people get paid to write informative and relevant articles.

So again, what should I be writing about?! Or should I just keep writing into my little journal and call it a day?

Truth is - I don't have an answer. But over the last few months, I've been digging deeper into the whole getting-to-know-myself-better thing. I've done quite a bit of reading, I've listened to numerous podcasts and if there's any take away from all of that information that I've consumed that would be this: Stop focusing on what others might want to see/hear/read about. Instead, focus on, what you want to talk/write about. Okay, that might sound really obvious, but hear me out.

It's my personal blog for a reason. If people won't read it, so be it. I've already paid for my domain, so I might as well put as much stuff on there as I possibly can. Whether it's a review of a restaurant, a quote from someone who I admire, my thoughts on a book that I've recently read, a short story about a weirdo I saw on the train, tips on what to pack before heading on a road-trip or whatever else. Essentially, it's a story of my life.

As with most of my creative endeavours, I don't do it for the recognition or any accolades. I do it, because I simply want to. I love the process of creating something out of nothing. Sure, it would be awesome if the stuff I'm putting out was super-uber-mega valuable, but even if it's not - that's okay. Who knows, maybe some people will relate to it. Maybe not. It doesn't really matter.

Consistency is the only thing I've been struggling with for years. I love to procrastinate. I'm no good with strict deadlines or routines, especially when it comes to creativity. I'm more of a free spirited dude, who creates when he feels like it. I don't like to plan too much, I would rather improvise and see what happens. Sure, a bit of discipline is necessary, I know that, but I've experimented enough to find that careful planning just doesn't cut it for me. I find it boring. I love to do things on the fly.

Now, I know that this might not be the best approach to doing things, but so what?! My whole life, I've taken the path less traveled. I've improvised and things still worked out. I'm still alive and breathing. Sure, it's never easy, actually it's quite the opposite, but for some reason, I like when the odds are against me. You know, you reach a point where you have nothing to lose and then you just go all out. I think I'm getting close to reaching that point once again.

You see, I'm a big believer in timing and patience. I think that if you just keep chipping away at something, sooner or later the results will show. They say the world is your oyster - so go ahead and live it up to the fullest.

Expect to hear from me soon,


Vinny The Guy

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